Senin, 12 Januari 2015

Nature Bengkulu

Tempat Wisata di Bengkulu
For families who want to vacation in Bengkulu are advised to visit the tourist attractions in Bengkulu guaranteed to feel the beauty of nature and a very beautiful panoramic view and make people be amazed. On this occasion will discuss about the destination list of Bengkulu.
1. Fort Marlborough

Benteng Marlborough

fort Marlborough

This fort became one proof that Britain once ruled here. If the first is used as a fortress, this castle is now becoming one of the tourist attractions in Bengkulu which are visited.

Built in 1713 - 1719, Fort Marlborough referred to as the second strongest bulwark owned in eastern England after Fort St. George in India. Fort with an area of 240 x 170 meters is when viewed from above resembles a turtle. There is a bridge that connects between the head and body 'giant tortoises' this.

In addition to being a bastion, where this tour was once also used as a storage area and the spice trade in the eastern region of Indonesia. In the castle, you can find a detention room, the British government offices, cannon, space protection, armory and tunnels with size 6 x 2 meters.

If you use the bus, you can take the bus majors Terminal Bengkulu - Square Bengkulu then down in front of the park.
2. Bung Karno Seclusion House

Rumah Pengasingan Bung Karno

Bung Karno Seclusion House

The house in Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, District Gading Cempaka, is a witness Bung Karno struggle for independence along the Indonesian people. For four years, 1938 - 1942, house 9 x 18 meters was the residence of the president.

Chinese architecture can be seen from the form of the vent and the typical Chinese ornaments in some parts of the house. Allegedly this house formerly belonging to the Chinese traders who then hired by the Dutch as a place of exile of Bung Karno.

Inside these places, you can see a collection of books Bung Karno. There are also bicycles, table, chair, bed, sewing machine and even a love letter between Sukarno and Fatmawati first. Interestingly, in the back of the house there is an old well that myth can be granted if a visitor wash your face with water.

Just to 2,500 rupiah, you can log into tourist attractions in Bengkulu full value of this history. This seclusion house crowded on weekends.
3. Mosque Jamik Bengkulu

Masjid Jami Bengkulu

Jami Bengkulu

During exiled, Bung Karno was not only busy with his books and efforts to liberate Indonesia. Indonesia's first president also left his mark in Bengkulu Jamik Mosque.

Together with local residents, he membagun back an old mosque at the end of Jalan Soeprapto, Bengkulu city center. Her work can be seen from the roof of the mosque is a pyramid-shaped depicting cultural unity in Bengkulu and in Indonesia. In addition, he also added a few poles with gold engraving.

The mosque, which has become one of the tourist attractions in Bengkulu is 1.2 miles from Fort Marlborough.
4. Museum of Bengkulu

Museum Negeri Bengkulu

Museum of Bengkulu

State Museum of Bengkulu become a tourist spot that is right for you who love history and culture. Museum is located at Jalan Development No. 8, Padang Hope, Bengkulu, it has more than 6,000 collections of historic objects are divided into 10 categories.

One collection that gets the attention of many visitors is the print engine 'red money' with the brand Golden Press. In addition, the other is a collection of 126 pieces of ancient manuscripts anonymously, Bengkulu typical cloth known as Cain Bersurek, miniature custom home, household appliances of old, traditional clothing and traditional weapons.

These attractions are open every day except Mondays and national holidays, from 08:00 to 13:00.
5. Long Beach

Long Beach

Pantai Pasir Panjang

This beach has a coastline of 7 km and became one of the beaches with the longest line in Indonesia. In addition to the coastline, the ebb and flow lines also reach 500 meters because no rocks that block the waves. One more unique is that you will not find in a lot like a palm tree beach. Here, palm trees were replaced with rows of spruce and pine.

Facilities at this beach were classified as complete ranging from children's playground, restaurant, gift shop until the inn. Tourist attractions in Bengkulu is famous for the beautiful sunsets. In addition to the morning and evening, this beach is used as a jogging track.

Natural attractions is located in the business district, so close to office buildings and shopping centers. From the center of the city of Bengkulu, Pasir Panjang Beach can be reached within 15 minutes drive.
6. Tread Beach Padri

Pantai Tapak Paderi

Tread beach Padri

One more frequented beaches in Bengkulu. His name Tread Padri Beach, tourist attractions in Bengkulu is only 100 meters from Fort Marlborough. This beach is famous for the beautiful sunsets. Many visitors choose to enjoy this moment with roasted corn, roasted banana and coconut ice are sold around the coast.

This beach is also commonly used as a location Tabot Festival which is the death of Husayn ibn Ali warning ibn Abu Talib. There are many art shows and competitions held during the festival. It also held that shocked the market selling a variety of culinary, clothing and souvenirs Bengkulu.
7. Lake Revenge Not It

Danau Dendam Tak Sudah

Lake Revenge Not It

This lake has a unique name, huh? Some say that the name comes from a legend. In the past, there is a pair of lovers who do not sanctioned by their respective families and decided to immerse yourself in this lake. After this couple disappeared in the lake, still deteriorating relations between the two families. This then makes a lot of people call it Lake Revenge Not already.

Regardless of the folk tale, this lake coined the beautiful scenery and become one of the tourist attractions in Bengkulu which are visited for recreational purposes as well as research. Here, you can find rare orchids that orchid pencil.

There are many food stalls can you flown to relax and taste the culinary specialties of Bengkulu while enjoying the beautiful view of the lake. You can also fish in the middle of the lake to rent a raft of local fishermen.

Lake Revenge Not already be in town Curup, North Bengkulu, or about 6 miles from the center of Bengkulu city.
8. Lake Mas Aaron Bastari

Danau Mas Harun Bastari

Lake Mas Aaron Bastari

If Lake Revenge Not Already have a unique name, Lake Mas Aaron Bastari has a unique island in the middle. This lake has an island-shaped C. Local residents say that the letter C represent the city name Curup.

Around the lake there is a vegetable garden belonging to residents and shade trees for your shelter. These attractions have facilities that are complete for visitors from the parking area, rooms, restrooms, playground, souvenir shops and food stalls.

Activities you can do here of course fishing. In addition, there are also other games such as bike rides water, flying fox and also around the lake by boat.

Tourist attractions are located in the District Selupu Rejang, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu.
9. Rat Island

Pulau Tikus
Rat Island

Rat Island is a favorite nautical tourism d Bengkulu. 2 hectares of coral islands are located approximately 10 km from the city center of Bengkulu. Of Pasir Panjang, you can travel for 40 minutes by boat to get to this island.

If lucky, you can see the green and hawksbill turtles laying eggs at night. Just being on the island during the day? Relax, you can still enjoy these attractions with various exciting activities such as diving, snorkeling and fishing.

Here, there is a working lighthouse. The island is a temporary berths for vessels when there are large waves.
10. Berau River Water

Sungai Air Berau
Water River Berau

Berau river located in Muko-Muko, Bengkulu. The river became a favorite location for rafting because the current is swift. In addition to rafting, there are a lot of visitors who choose fishing and fishing in this river.

If you come at the right time, you can watch the ceremony 'daro child to bath water' which is a ritual bathing a newborn baby boy in the river. There is also a rowing boat race held on the day so Muko-Muko